Thursday, September 3, 2009

So Much!

We've done so much this summer and I have been horrible about blogging. I am going to start with the most recent and work my way back, or I will just keep getting further behind. We took Ella and Brody to their first Texans game a couple of weeks ago. Brody loooooves ball-balls and we knew he would be really excited when we got there. Ella, however, could have cared less about the fact that there would be football and couldn't wait to see the cheerleaders.

Me and Jeff being silly before the game.
I finally decided to dye my hair dark again...trying to get back to my natural color although I'm not sure what it even is. Oh- and get this! As she was mixing my color she tells me that she is putting grey drops in the color to help cover my grey hairs. WHAT???
They were handing out these cute stickers that the players wear. I thought it would be so precious to put them on Brody. We oood and awed over his adorableness. Little did I know that taking them off would be aweful. The poor kid cried for 5 minutes!

Ella copied the cheerleaders the whole time. Now she wants to be a cheerleader for Halloween. It's also not fun to be this close to girls who have really flat abs all night. Especially after you have had 3 kids. :(

It was a fun night. I could have done without the long walk while holding either a 37 lbs kid or a 26 lbs kid, but we had a great time.

I also recently took the kids bowling for the first time. We went with Aunt Amy, Gabriel, Luke, Stevi (or Mrs. Steebie as Brody would say), Riley, Brady, Holly, Erik and Braden. The kids had a blast!
Aren't bowling shoes on a toddler the CUTEST thing you've ever seen? I might have to get him some to wear even when we aren't bowling.

Brooks just hung out in his stroller and eventually fell asleep. I was nervous about how I was going to handle all three without Jeff since I still had to help Brody with the heavy balls, but Brooks was awesome.
Ella and Gabriel
Ella and Riley. They are so hilarious when they pose with each other for pictures. They look like teenagers.
I wish they would have had these awesome things when I was a kid!

I promise to post more soon. Hopefully I will have some time this weekend.

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