Monday, June 15, 2009

What do you do?

What do you do when your son walks up to you with his sister's tutu in his hands and wants to put it on? Do you explain to the 1 year old that tutus are for girls while he throws a major fit because he doesn't understand why he can't wear it, or do you let him put it on and dance around while you take lots of pictures? I went with option B.

Jeff is probably going to kill me for posting those but it was so funny. He was even dancing like Ella and saying "tutu" over and over again. Jeff need not worry. Those of us who know Brody know that he is NOT a sissy.
Brooks is getting so big. He is already 2 months old. I can't believe how fast it's going! He is still waking up at night which sucks, but hopefully in a few more weeks that will change. I think it's crazy that he can be so punctual at 1:30 and 4:30 am. It never fails and it's exactly the same time every single night. I am trying to break the 1:30 am feeding because he really doesn't need to eat every 3 hours at night. We've (by we've I mean I) have been trying the pacifier instead of a bottle for the past 4 nights which seems to satisfy him but I really thought he would stop waking up once he broke the habit of eating. Oh-well. I know this part will soon be over. It would be worse if he wasn't so cute.

...a cute picture of Brody and Ella in the tub. Can you even believe their amazing tans?

It's so hot outside and neither of the kids want to be out in the heat. What in the world are you supposed to do when you are stuck inside all day? Brody knows! He made up a game where he and Ella take turns standing on his ride-on lion and posing like this:

Pure excitement! And when I need to get things done around the house, I just turn on the washing machine. It provides endless hours of entertainment.

Brody chillaxin'...
Brody and cousin Luke
Two weekends ago we headed down to the McCarty's for some burgers and baby pools and the kids had a blast.

Jackson and Gabriel are hilarious to watch. They have so much energy.

Ella stayed far away from the boys. She doesn't like to get splashed.

Best Buds Brody and Hudson enjoying their 54th Capri Sun.

Aunt Amy and Luke
Wowzers. This turned out to be a pretty long post. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!

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