Saturday, April 25, 2009

And then there were 3...

I will admit that I was pretty nervous about having 3 kids. Especially because two of them would be so young. I sort of thought it was going to be impossible for me to do by myself and was even thinking that it might be so bad that I would have to go back to work. But it has been surprisingly, dare I say, pleasant?? It definitely isn't the easiest thing I have ever done, but it's been working out pretty well. I say, without a doubt, that going from 2-3 has been so much easier than going from 1-2. Bringing Brody home was so tramatic that I have the first 6 months blocked out of my memory. The only specific memory I have is sitting on the couch one night barely able to hold my eyes open and feeling like crap. I looked over at Jeff and told him that if I ever said I wanted any more kids to "remind me of this moment right now and tell me NO!" Of coarse, things got easier and I learned to manage having two. Brooks is an EXCELLENT baby and is fitting right in. Who knows if this angelic state of being will last into the toddler years, but I am enjoying him so much. He's so tiny and snuggly and sweet. I want him to stay like this forever.

We can't quite tell who he looks like yet, but Jeff is insistent that he looks exactly like Yoda.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Ella and Brody went over to their friend Jackson's house to swim in his blow up pool yesterday. Brody went to the pool last year, but he was too young to enjoy it. Since he loves his baths so much I knew it was going to be a big hit. I was right.

Ella and Brody ready for their first swim of the year.

This pretty much sums up Brody's mood since Brooks came home. Also notice the unmistakable farmers tan.
He didn't really know what to do at first, but once he realized he could fall and splash, he was super excited. He was squeeling and cracking up.

Ella pretending to be a mermaid.

Looks like we'll be spending a lot of time in the water this year.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Because I have 3 children now and my middle child is not making things easy on me, I only have time for a quick post. Brooks Allen Fetterman was born April 15th at 7:23 am. He weighed in at 6 lbs. 9 oz and was 18 1/2" long. He is the sweetest little baby and is doing great. I think he might just be my easiest one so far. I will post more as soon as I can.