Thursday, March 12, 2009


We still have no name for this poor little baby. Who knew it could be this hard to find a boy name we agree on? Anyway, we took our house off the market because we were running out of time and are closing in a room for the baby. Things are coming along slowly but surely. I will post some before and after pictures when it's finished. It's hard to have things out of place and by this point in my other two pregnancies I had everything done and ready for the baby. I still have SO much to do, actually I have everything left to do. I haven't started preparing at all. I shouldn't have waited this long either because now it's hard just to move. Above are a couple pictures of the Bean who seems to always be getting into trouble and into something he's not supposed to. And-he does it all on purpose. He makes sure I'm looking right at him when he's about to make his move. So opposite from his big sister. Good thing she's so easy and well behaved or I don't know what would happen when #3 arrives. Oh, and by the way, he still does most of his getting around by crawling. He takes a few steps here and there just for entertainment, but at this point he just doesn't really care about walking. He has about 6 more weeks to start walking or we're going to have some major problems.

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