Thursday, January 15, 2009

I'm Back!

It's been almost a year since I have posted here but I really want a place where I can post family stuff without worrying about it looking "professional". I have lots to post! My little Beanie is almost 15 months and Ella is 4. If you don't already know we are expecting baby #3 in April. We are having another boy and are having a really hard time with names so feel free to leave some suggestions. Jeff wants something strong and manly. I want something that doesn't end in en or on, that isn't too common, and that sounds cute with Ella and Brody. Getting any ideas? We are also trying to sell our house because we are OUT OF ROOM! We have no more bedrooms and I refuse to share my room with an infant for more than a few weeks. I know, I know, the market is bad, but seriously, isn't anyone moving? I only have a few more months here. Help!

Moving on...

Something crazy must have been going on during the night. I have no idea how is hair ended up like this.
Ella got these glasses at school during her Halloween Party and they are hilarious!

I am really going to make an effort to try and post on a regular basis so keep checking back!

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