Monday, January 28, 2008

Poor Baby!

Does anyone else find this so extremely sad? No, not the size of my son's gigantic thighs, but the fact that he had to get 5 shots today? I am quite possibly the world's biggest weenie when it comes to my kids feeling the slightest bit of pain. I just can't understand why the drug companies can't come up with a less painful way of getting these meds into these poor kiddos! The smell of the Dr.'s office makes my stomach hurt! When I walked in today, there was a poor mom in there with her 6 month old twins who each had to get 4 shots. That is 8 shots total! It was so sad. She was crying and I thought I was going to cry just hearing her poor babies! Ughhh. I actually don't even know how bad it was because Ella and I waited outside while Jeff stayed with Brody for his shots. We had to go outside the building because I couldn't take the chance of possibly hearing him cry.

And then there is my sweet daughter who asked me in the middle of the night last night if Bubba was going to cry when he got his shots. This morning she said was too tired to go the Dr.. She was trying so hard to stall and then told me that she didn't want Bubba to get hurt. She has such a sweet heart! I can only imagine if Jeff hadn't been nice enough to deal with the hard part today. Brody, Ella, and I would all have been crying!

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