Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ella's Haircut

I took Ella to get her hair cut today. She just seemed like such a big girl sitting in that chair. She was perfectly still and sweet and I LOVE her new cut. But first, the Bean.

Ella before:
Ella after:

Isn't it cute? I have just noticed lately how big she is getting. Like today, for example, we went to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch and she climbed up in the tube/slide contraption all by herself. You know, the hamster cage thing? This may not seem like a big deal for most 4 year olds, or even most 2 year olds, but Ella is always so cautious and nervous about things. I was sitting watching her thinking that surely she would get up there and not know which way to go and start freaking out and begging me to come rescue her...but she didn't. She just crawled through the whole thing and went down the slide and did it all over again. On the way home she told me that she even made a new friend. I mean, really? This was so out of her character and she made me realize that she is growing up so fast and becoming so independent. I just love her so.

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