Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Well, nothing too exciting to blog about. Here is a picture of Ella and Brooks. I am really going to have to scan a picture of Ella at 6 months because she and Brooks look so much alike. Don't hold your breath for that, though.

This is Ella and Brody on the first day of school. Brody is doing awesome! He loves going now and says his teachers are so nice and that he goes "night, night". How in the world these teachers get 12 two year olds to lay on cots and nap, I will never know. Ella has always loved school. She is learning a lot of stuff this year and at the parent/teacher conference they told me that she will be starting to read at the end of the year. Crazy!
I took Brody and Brooks to the park a few weeks ago. Brody was doing everything on his own and had so much fun. He's so big!

Brooks also had a great time.
At this point it looks like Brooks is going to have to have surgery to correct his eye that is crossing. Poor baby! It's not getting any better and the Dr. said that he will probably be ready at about 1. I was really thinking he was going to get glasses and it would correct itself but that isn't an option for him. I am praying for some divine intervention because I am going to be FREAKING OUT when it's time for this surgery.
I have also decided that I can no longer go out in public with both boys. You can definitely tell that Brody is about to be 2, if you know what I mean. What the heck are you supposed to use for time out in Target?? Anybody? Brooks is now starting to scream, not cry, but yell at the top of his lungs when we are out and he is tired. He is a really easy baby at home when I can put him in his bed when he's tired, but when we are out it's another story. So, that is it for me and any sort of outing for at least another 6 months of so. We took Ella to dance yesterday against my better judgement. The A/C was broken, I had to wake Brody up from his nap so he was super tired and whined the entire time, threw a fit and choked on a goldfish and started gagging and turned red, Brooks was yelling and sweating, and Ella tripped and fell and came out crying. It was awful and I vowed never to take them to dance or anywhere else again.
Hope everyone is doing great!