Friday, May 22, 2009


There's been a lot going on around here lately. I actually got out by myself today with all 3 kids for the first time. Besides the fact that Brooks peed on Ella's face and all over his clothes and her dress, I would say it went pretty well.

The Dr. said we need to start working on using a spoon which just sounds like a bad idea all together, but I guess Brody has to stop eating with his hands at some point. I thought I would go ahead and try letting him use a spoon to eat some yogurt and, well, the spoon was too tricky I guess. He resorted to licking the yogurt out of the container and ended up looking like this. Yogurt is really hard to clean up by the way. It doesn't seem like it would be but it's so thick and sticky.

Here is a random pictures of Brody running around in a towel after his bath which he thought was SO much fun. I usually always carry him straight to his room after his bath to get dressed and this was the first time I actually set him down and let him run free. It was pretty cute.

Ella making a halo and a heart with some kind of stick thing she found somewhere.

In other news, Ella had her first dance recital last weekend. It was so cute and she loved being on stage. I was so proud of her. She actually did really well for being only 4. I also secretly wish they made these ballet costumes in my size. They are so beautiful.

Ella and her best little girlfriend Riley.

...and a little (not very good) picture of Brooks to be fair. :)

Friday, May 1, 2009